Sunday, December 12, 2010

1850 Tau VS Chaos SM Bat Rep

1850 Tau VS Chaos SM Bat Rep
Spearhead Objectives (3)

“...we will try a Glorious New Strategy for the Great Good! Any questions?” Shas’el Zero shouted.
“Where are the Devilfish?” Asked Skippy, the young FireWarrior.
“There will be no Devilfish when we remove this plague of Chaos.”
“But Commander,” Skippy continued, “In Firewarrior school we were taught the duty of every Firewarrior was to sit in the Devilfish, hopefully over an objective and wait.”
“This glorious new battle stratagem has the unmatched Firewarriors of the Tau in the field, boldly facing their enemies!”
“But, we’re good at sitting in the bus. I thought the Greater Good was based on sitting in the bus in a comfy chair.” Firewarrior Skippy pressed, with murmurs of approval coming from the masses. “And, how come there’s so many of us. Usually it’s just 12 of us and some Kroot.”
Greater Good help me thought Zero, “The Kroot had what they assured me was an important ritual involving a sacred herb and the munchies. Instead of having all our Firewarriors sitting watching telly in the Devilfish you will take the field of battle. Now go get them! Including you Skippy.”

Round 1 Tau going First
1 Objective in my quarter, 1 in the center and 1 between them.

It was a board with mesas and pillars and a decent hill. Both broadsides teams had a clear view of the field, the Crisis suits hugged cover and the firewarriors covered the majority of the table quarter.
Chaos Space Marines put down 1 transport partially covered by the hill and kept everything else in reserve.

I spread out in my deployment zone to get better lines of sights and ran the Fire Warrior up the hill to the objective. Grabbed LOS with the Broadsides and exploded the transport.

Round 2
I spread out further heading to the remotest objective. The broadsides shot the CSM who got out of the transport ruin. The Piranhas spread out for transports coming off the back line.
Chaos’ bikes come on, and a 2nd transport. Deep striking Obliterators have a mishap and a fatal error. Hilarity ensues. Some Firewarrior losses from the bikes and the rest break and run.

Round 3
Crisis Suits teams + FW teams make the bikes a brief memory and the Broadsides reduce the new transport to chum. More Firewarriors kill the guys who get out.

Round 4
Reduced whatever was on the board to chunky salsa.

Round 5
The Tau hold onto all three objectives.
A demon pops on and using some weird reach attack grapples my HQ Crisis Suit and squad into melee. They spend 2 rounds duking it out on top of the objective.
The other two Obliterator teams deep strike in and set two full FW Teams on Fire. At this point I hold 0, and Chaos contests 2

Round 6
Yay! The obliterators die painfully under a wash of gun fire.
The Crisis Suits beat the Demon to death in melee and the Broadsides vaporize the few remaining Chaos Marines and my opponent is tabled.

1 comment:

  1. The choas were intimidated by the Tau and handed you the game before turn one :)

    A better solution would have been to put as much as possible on the board and rush everything forwards. By coming on piecemeal he allowed all your firepower to kill what was on the board, where as you couldn't have killed his whole army before some if it reached your lines if it was all started on the board :(

    Good win for the Tau though.
