Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yay for Failure!

I really hope GW never reads Advanced Tau T.
The vibe of "how dare dare we get CC units!" makes my eyes melt.

Cause it's great to spent 1 out of 3 game phases sitting on my thumb.

The "There are many ways to delay the enemy from closing" retorts are 10 gallons of stupid.
More or less you accept your opponent will get into Melee, then you die. Quickly.

Feeding my opponent Piranhas, Kroot, Pathfinders, Transports, etc isn't a solid strategy, it's delaying melee and loosing good units.

Other armies don't feed their opponents troops, they make their opponents earn their Victory Points.

When was the last time you heard a SM player say, "Oh no! Better throw a tank at them to slow them down!" I'm pretty sure what they said was, "Eat my Goram Thunderhammer Xeno!"

GW: Thank you for making the Codex better so we can play all three phases of the game.

If ATT asshats don't want to use the new units, they are welcome to continue the pity circle jerk.
I welcome our Space Midget Brethern!


  1. Well said. I said the same thing in my blog about threat range. With Tau the threat range is really nonexistent and feeding expensive units to the enemy to extend it never works. The XV9 is a step in the right direction but being FW everyone whines and cries whenever you place them on the table. The Tau need something like a mine layer or even a close combat drone like in Screamers. Something on the level of Kroot hounds. It would fit the fluff since it is nice alternative to the tau themselves getting in close. Even less drastic, make the Kroot weapons assault weapons. Now they are more than a speed bump.

  2. How about not making drones dropped from vehicles scoring! That no cost drone just stopped your charge? sad for you. Here's a railgun shot.

  3. Kroot with assault weapons would be great.
    Hell, I'd love them even if they had but a 5+ armor save.
    There figures come with armor?
    Can't they eat a beetle or something with chitin?
