Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bat Rep vs Sisters of Battle

Thursday night I played vs Sy. Sy’s an excellent, tourney winning, player. You get better by playing him. I had a feeling my winning streak was coming to an end: Spearhead Annihilation.

“We are up against a tough General for the Greater Good! But we will persevere!”
“He wins tournaments on a weekly basis, and you still have questions about vehicles!” Shouted Skippy the Fire Warrior.
“No breaking the Fourth Wall!” Replied Commander Zero, “Yes, they may have fire, so much painful, painful burning fire. And transports with heavy flamers. They may have so many Flame-Spewing Transports that the deployment area is almost full. But we have something they don’t have...”
“Is it courage and determination in the face of overwhelmingly being burned alive in a horrible manner?” Asked Skippy.
“Railguns. And Missile Pods. And Rifles that can glance front armor. We have SCIENCE! They have fire.”
“Can we have Science-Fire?” Asked Skippy.

Lessons Learned:
3 2-man Broadsides with Target Lock are best.
Plasma, Plasma Kills with no armor save. A Tau Army NEEDS PLASMA!
Missile Pods, while excellent and having incredible range, allow a save.
Kroot are worthless except in bulk with Dogs and a Shaper.

Set Up
It’s in a ruin heavy board. Great for Jet Packs, bad for Transports.
Sy sets up first with a flawless deployment, each transports (and they are enough to blot out the sun) providing cover for the next one like some Spartan Shield Wall. 2 IG tanks are in reserve.

I fan out taking over the whole quarter while hugging cover. One group of Railguns on the right, one on the left each supported by a Deathrain team. 2 11 man FireWarriror squads line up on the first and second floor of the ruins and the 6 man squads screening the Broadsides and my Command Unit (Also Deathrain) and the 3rd team in the ruins. The Kroot infiltrate in the upper left as far away as possible.

Round 1
Fortune Smiles on the Greater Good and I seize initiative in the most boring round ever.
24 missile pods, 22 Rifle Shots, 6 Rail Guns... 1 transports destroyed, 2 immobilized.

Sy pushes forward 12 inches and pops smoke. My Kroot firm up their position.

Round 2
Better shooting and the Tau artillery leaves plenty of crates on the ground. The FireWarriors pick off a lot of the disembarked troops.

The IG tanks come in off reserve and tank shock the Kroot. The Kroot then spend 5 rounds walking off the board. With transports and troops approaching on each flank; a slug-fest of a round.

Round 3
More shooting, more craters. The FireWarriors gun down more Flaming Bitches of Death.
The 2 IG tanks on the left flank make it hard to hold but not impossible as they engage the FireWarriors and suits.

Round 4
Shooting, what else? At this point he’s 2 immobilized Transports in the starting zone and a third back there hiding so it doesn’t give up a Kill Point. He’s also got the troops completely out of line of sight so I can’t snipe them.
2 of the Transports pull inside a ruined building and disgorge Sisters. Melta and Flamers hit the suits and FireWarriors and I start taking casualties.

Round 5
I hope game ends on 5 and I win.
The casualties are mounting up and 2 of the Sisters close for Assault. My left broadside unit vanishes in a barrage of Melta. A few crisis suits go down as well under the mass of wounds.

Round 6
We’re still in round 6.
I’ve less on the board and more smaller targets. My other Broadside team picks off a few solo sisters for a cheap KP. The IG tank Tank Shocks the Fire Warriors who fail their LD test. Another tank shocks in against my Broadsides who Death or Glory (at this point what other option is there?) and takes out the Transport. His last mobile transports shocks my remaining Crisis Suit team who fail the D&G and Insane Cowardice (Box Cars!) the LD and flee off the board.

Tally Up. A brutal combat, he wins due to fleeing units and has a 1 point VIctory.

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